Show Archive

CrewCom wireless intercom by Pliant Technologies – PST #028
On PST #028, we sat down with Gary Rosen, Tom Turkington, Peter Amos, Mark Rehfuss, Art Gonzales from Pliant Technologies, and talked about their CrewCom wireless intercom.
Streamed on Thursday, April 16, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Telos Infinity IP intercom with Martin Dyster – PST #027
On PST #027, we are talked about the Telos Infinity IP intercom with guest Martin Dyster from The Telos Alliance.
Streamed on Thursday, April 16, 2020, at 1:00 PM

Chat with Jetwave Wireless – PST #026
On PST #026, we talked with the Jetwave Wireless team, including Josh Flower, and Jim Dugan, about Clear-Com Eclipse, LQ, TF DAS, and RFoF, Wisycom antenna systems.
Streamed on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Lunch with Pete: RF Scans Around the World – PST #025
Best Audio RF scans around the world...How to remotely plan your RF from scans contributed by previous shows. Also, I discussed how to use macros on scans.
Streamed on April 15, 2020, at 12:00 PM

Riedel Tuesday: Artist/Bolero & Scaling Up – PST #024
For Riedel Tuesday (PST #024), we talked with David Beckwith and Jeff Sullivan from Riedel about Artist/Bolero and scaling up. Hosts Pete Erskine, Mac Kerr, and Kelly Epperson.
Streamed on April 14, 2020, at 3:00 PM

Basics of Frequency Coordination using PWS IAS – PST #023
On PST #023, we went over the basics of frequency coordination using PWS IAS Software with guests Gary Trenda and Cody Heimann from Professional Wireless Systems (PWS) and Loren Sherman from CP Communications with hosts Pete Erskine, Mac Kerr, and Kelly Epperson.
Streamed on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 4:00 PM

Vectorworks Basics for Audio and Video – PST #022
On PST #022, we covered Vectorworks Basics for audio and video departments with guest Philip Barrett, Audio Director, Creative Technology, Inc. Barrett walked users through the fundamentals of drawing in Vectorworks and shared best practices for working with drawings provided by designers, producers, and production managers.
Streamed on Monday, April 13, 2020, at 12:00 PM

RF Faraday Cage Match – PST #021
RF Faraday Cage Match with Pete Erskine, James Stoffo, Henry Cohen, Jason Glass, Andrew McHaddad, Steve Caldwell, and Kevin Parrish. Refereed by Kelly Epperson and Mac Kerr.
Streamed on Friday, April 10, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Riedel Bolero Stand-Alone Tips and Techniques – PST #020
For PST #020, we talked about Riedel Bolero stand-alone tips and techniques with Matthew Dietzle from Riedel.
Streamed: Thursday, April 9, 2020, at 2:00 PM

QLab 'GO' with Sam Kusnetz from Figure 53 – PST #018
On PST #018, we went through QLab 'GO' with Sam Kusnetz of Figure 53 joined Mac, Kelly, and Pete to discuss QLab. We touched on all the standard functions but also explored features users may not have discovered.
Streamed: Wednesday, April 8, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Riedel Tuesday: MediorNet – PST #017
We kicked off the first episode of Riedel Tuesdays (PST #017) with a discussion of Riedel MediorNet capabilities and applications with Jeff Sullivan from Riedel and the PST team.
Streamed: Tuesday, April 7, 2020, at 3:00 PM

Lunch break with A2s – PST #016
Best Practices and insights from a panel of A2's working in Television Broadcast, Industrial Corporate), and Theatre. Guests included: Skip Kent, Garth (Gaff) Michael, Jess Kovach, Dave Chessman, Ryan Trefethan, Reece Nunez, and Jenny Montgomery and joined by Kelly Epperson, Mac Kerr, and Pete Erskine.
Streamed on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, at 12:00 PM

RF Over Fiber, Multi-Antenna Systems & More – PST #015
On PST #015, we talked with guests Gary Trenda and Cody Heimann from PWS (Professional Wireless Systems) about RF over fiber, multi-antenna systems, and IAS.
Streamed: Monday, April 6, 2020. at 4:00 PM

Shure Wireless Workbench - System Control & RF coord. – PST #014
For PST #014, we talked about Shure Wireless Workbench: system control as well as RF coordination features and tips with Corey Peoples, and Jason Waufle from Shure, with hosts Pete Erskine, and Kelly Epperson.
Streamed: Friday, April 3, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Vectorworks Plugins & Best Practices with Landru Design – PST #013
On PST #013, we went over Vectorworks Plugins and best practices with Andrew Dunning from Landru Design. Dunning has created plug-in packs for the production community like the Producer's Pack and Audio ToolSet for Vectorworks. He shared lots of ideas for plug-in usage, drawing organization, answered many viewer-submitted questions, and shared some great tips and tricks.
Streamed: Friday, April 3, 2020, at 1:00 PM

Riedel Artist/MediorNet Applications – PST #012
On PST #012, we talked about Riedel Artist and MediorNet show applications with Bill Saltzer of East Shore Sound.
Streamed: Thursday, April 2, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Using Unity Intercom on the NY Marathon – PST #011
On PST #011, we talked with Brian Ready from CP Communications about using Unity Intercom on the NY Marathon.
Streamed: Wednesday, April 1, 2020, at 4:00 PM

Clear-Com Helixnet, LQ and Agent IC – PST #010
On PST #010, we discussed best practices for Clear-Com Helixnet, LQ, and Agent IC in a morning session with Clear-com’s Rom Rosenblum, and Sook-Fong Lau.
Streamed: Wednesday, April 1, 2020, at 9:00 AM

Lunch with Pete: RF Show Coordination Process – PST #009
For PST #009 Lunch w/ Pete, the topic was the RF show coordination process, but it was also a robust show production question session.
Streamed: Tuesday, March 31, 2020, at 12:00 PM

RAD UV-1G Wireless Intercom – PST #008
For PST #008, we talked about RAD UV wireless intercom, the best practices for use, and application tips with James Stoffo and the RAD engineering team.
Streamed: Monday, March 30, 2020, at 4:00 PM